Heroes Act Prioritizes Families and Workers as the GOP Continues to Fight for Billionaires, Says Rep. Barbara Lee


Congresswoman Barbara Lee released the following statement on the introduction of H.R. 6800, the Heroes Act.

"Since the start of this pandemic, House Democrats have fought to put people over profits, put families first, and ensure that every community has the resources they need. The Heroes Act is another important step forward in that fight.

"I'm especially glad that we were able to include critical provisions to address the unequal impact of the coronavirus on people of color. Black and Brown people, particularly those working in essential roles, have been hit hardest by this virus. Language we secured in this bill will ramp up testing, contact tracing, and outreach to help ensure that those communities that are bearing the brunt of the impact will get the focused support they need.

"It's critical that we keep working to get everyone the help they need, and we all know that more relief will be needed as this crisis continues. I hope Rep. Jayapal's Paycheck Guarantee Act will be given priority consideration going forward. Everyone deserves to know that their economic security is ensured.

"Let me be clear -- getting relief for our families, workers, small businesses, and communities is not a partisan issue, and it's outrageous that Mitch McConnell and Trump are treating it as such. In the middle of a global crisis of unprecedented proportions, it's the federal government's job to do everything we can to keep our communities safe, healthy, and secure. It's disgusting that McConnell is now refusing to get families the help they need after giving corporations and the 1% billions in relief.

"We need to put families first -- not the wealthy and well connected."
